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Что говорят наши пользователи

The best moment for me is when a youth player finally has finished the training you envisioned. I still remember the key players from my time in Hattrick. Josip Dumont-Damien was one of the first ones, Luc de Romrée de Vichenet and Mamadou Toure are players I remember fondly from my last generation.

I was ranked 1st of all teams in Botswana after the first league round, that was one of the best achievements for me in Hattrick. Of course there's a lot of luck involved there, but hey, they're never going to be able to take that away!

What I like about the Hattrick community is that there are real people and you don't just compete against the computers. You play against each other, but you can also help each other in the forum and talk about everything.

My best Hattrick memory was when the city where I lived (L'Aquila, Italy) was hit by an earthquake. I received a lot of support, a lot of help, a lot of love. It was a very hard time and Hattrick was there, with its community, with me. I will never forget that.

In HT, my biggest achievement is to be the assistant manager of the U20 national team of Suriname. And of course also, when my dream came true and I reached the third division with my own team!

I would say the community is the strongest reason I have stayed in Hattrick for so long. The game too of course. After having trained my players and played in the French Division 2 for a while, I started focusing on training international players to help the Moroccan team. Today 80% of the defense of the Atlas Lions was trained by me!

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